Kay's Floral Art Gallery

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Size Width x Height Title Painting
12" x 16" Winter Friends Winter Friends
24" x 18" Pink Poppies Pink Poppies
20" x 16" Magnolia Hibiscus
24" x 18" Hibiscus Hibiscus
12" x 16" Tuffed Titmouse Tuffed Titmouse
24" x 12" Basket of Sunflowers Basket of Sunflowers
18" x 24" Red Poppies
In A Clay Pot
Red Poppies<BR>In A Clay Pot
24" x 18" Bob Ross Amaryllis Bob Ross Amaryllis
18" x 24" Daffodils Daffodils
18" x 24" Best Friends Best Friends
18" x 24" Mums in a Pumpkin Mums
24" x 18" Hydrangeas in Talavera Hydrangeas
24" x 18" Magenta Water Lily Water Lily
18" x 24" Basket of Lilacs & Daises Basket of Lilacs

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